Reporting Channels

Report a concern

All employees should feel comfortable asking questions and should report actual or suspected violations or wrongdoing.

Underlying the company's commitment to The Otis Absolutes – Safety, Ethics and Quality, is the fundamental commitment by Otis employees to always do the right thing and to know when to ask questions or raise concerns. If an employee is not sure of the appropriate course of action, there are resources in place to help. Report a concern directly to a supervisor, a manager, an Ethics & Compliance Officer, or to a member of the Legal Department or Human Resources. In addition, anonymous reporting channels are available.

The Otis reporting channels are available to everyone – including suppliers, customers, business partners, shareholders, and the general public.

Non-Retaliation Policy

Otis prohibits retaliation against anyone who in good faith reports or participates in the investigation of an actual or suspected violation of The Otis Absolutes, company policies or procedures, or of laws or regulations.

Our ethical culture depends on employees doing the right thing, speaking up and saying something if they see something. Otis ensures that those who raise concerns or report wrongdoing can do so without fear of retaliation. Otis will vigorously investigate any allegation of retaliation. Employees found to have engaged in retaliatory conduct will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

 Making a report 

When to file a report

Suspected violations of law, policy or the Otis Absolutes must be reported. You can find Otis Absolutes here

We maintain a zero tolerance policy for retaliation.

How to file a report

Otis has direct and anonymous reporting channels, More Details Here.
Reports can also be made through Local and Regional Ethics & Compliance Officers around the world.

Filing anonymously

Anonymous reporting channels are available.
Webline – online submittal tool.
Hotline 833.833.3001 – 24/7 telephonic service with translators available.
Mobileline– a mobile ready tool.


The reporting channels available to you

By Phone
Call (toll-free)
1 (833) 833-3001
Ethics & Compliance Anonymous Hotline
Hosted by an external vendor outside of Otis. You can call the toll-free number from within the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. When calling from outside the United States, you must first dial the pertinent AT&T Direct access code found here. Listen for a prompt, and then dial the toll-free number. Interpreters will be provided if necessary.
Web-based Anonymous Electronic Submittal Webline
You can submit your concern electronically without revealing your name. With electronic submittals, you will create an access code to check back for a response
By Email
You can submit your concern by sending an email to:
By Mail
Paper Form Submittal
(see PDFs below)
You can submit your concern using the paper form or writing to:
World Headquarters
1 Carrier Place
Farmington, CT 06032  
Attn: Global Ethics &
Compliance Office

Investigation process

Fact gathering

A thorough and timely investigation is conducted by independent and qualified personnel for any specific and credible allegation of a violation of law, policy, or The Otis Absolutes.

A Discipline & Prevention Committee reviews verified allegations to impose discipline and other corrective actions.

Corrective Actions & Communication of Results

Corrective actions and discipline are implemented, as necessary. Results are communicated to involved parties.

Lessons learned are shared across the company when appropriate, and incorporated into risk assessments. If applicable, policy or control gaps will be addressed and closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there someone I can report my concerns to?

Concerns can be raised to a supervisor, a member of the Legal or Human Resources Department, to any manager, or to an Ethics & Compliance Officer. Otis has many Ethics & Compliance Officers available to answer your questions or to reach out to if you have something to report. Remember, we all play a role in protecting our company's ethical culture and reputation by reporting suspected or potential wrongdoing situations.

What if I want to remain anonymous?

Generally, the best way to communicate with management or the Ethics & Compliance Office is by direct contact. However, it is understandable that there may be an occasion when you wish to discuss important issues but may not want to share your name or identity. To remain anonymous, you may report your concern:

  • In Writing – By sending your concern to the Global Ethics & Compliance Office by postal mail to 1 Carrier Place, Farmington, Connecticut, U.S.A. 06032 or by email to

Where do I send a paper submission?

Written communications can be mailed to:
Otis, World Headquarters
1 Carrier Place
Farmington, CT 06032
Attn: Global Ethics & Compliance Office

Or emailed to:
To view and print a paper submittal form, download PDFs in section further up on the page

What is Otis’ policy with regards to retaliation?

At Otis we do not tolerate retaliation, and our non-retaliation policy reinforces our long-standing commitment to a work environment that is based on respect and one that is free of fear, bullying, retaliation or other negative consequences. Our company policy prohibits retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports or participates in the investigation of an actual or suspected violation of our Otis Absolutes, company policies, or laws and regulations. Concerns can be raised through several reporting channels to management, Human Resources, Legal Department, Ethics & Compliance, directly or anonymously. Otis will vigorously investigate all allegations of retaliation, whether overt or subtle, and will take action. To learn more DOWNLOAD OUR POLICY.

How is confidentiality preserved if I submit a concern using the paper form or by a written communication?

Otis respects the privacy of the personal information that you may provide in the course of submitting this form. Unless local law requires that you identify yourself, all personal information you provide is entirely voluntary. If you must identify yourself, the only information that you will be required to provide is your name. Depending on the nature of your concern or inquiry, we may also request additional personal information it will be your choice whether to provide such additional information. But understand that it may impair our ability to respond to your concern.

The personal information that you provide will only be used: (1) to resolve your inquiry; (2) for statistical and reporting purposes after all identifying information is removed and in an aggregate form; (3) in the case of the sale or transfer of some or all of the assets of Otis, to transition to a new owner; and (4) as may be required by law. You may request an opportunity to review employee personal information maintained in this system to correct, amend, or delete information that is demonstrated to be inaccurate or incomplete, so long as not prohibited by applicable law. Personal information may be used and shared among Otis entities, subsidiaries, and affiliates, applicable government organizations and agencies, and service providers as permitted or required by law, regulation, or court order. Otis obtains contractual assurances from its service providers that they will safeguard employee personal information consistently with this Notice. We will not sell your personal information.

Whom do I contact about reporting channels?

Questions on reporting channels can be directed to your Ethics & Compliance Officer.
General questions or issues regarding this site can be sent to

Human Trafficking Hotline

Link to Website
Department of Defense Fraud, Waste, Abuse

Link to Website

Link to Poster
Department of Defense: Whistleblower

Link to Website

Link to Poster